Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions for Hera Wellbeing Services

By purchasing a package or consultation service with Hera Wellbeing via the Hera Wellbeing website, this “Agreement” is immediately made and entered into between the “Client” and “Hera Wellbeing” (The Consultant).

1. Consultation Services. The Client hereby employs Hera Wellbeing (the Consultant) to perform the following services in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement. The Consultant will consult with the Client concerning matters relating to the management, organization and wellbeing of parental leave, returning to work, household roles and responsibilities and other parenting issues around this transition time. Results Not Guaranteed.

2. Terms of Agreement. This agreement comes into effect immediately when a purchase is made via the Hera Wellbeing website. The Client is required to review and understand the Hera Wellbeing Terms & Conditions.

  • After purchasing, Hera’s team will reach out to you within 2 business days to schedule any consultations.

  • The Parental Leave Prep Customized comes with up to three hours of the Consultant’s time to work with you on customization, calls, etc. After three hours, individual hourly rates will be charged as needed.All downloadable materials are for standard use and are not customized per client. Customization is included in the specified packages or as part of additional support services including purchase of 1 week email support and/or On Call Consultations.

  • The Return-to-Work Checklist Customized comes with up to three hours of the Consultant’s time to work with you on customization, calls, etc. After three hours, individual hourly rates will be charged as needed.

  • The Complete Package comes with up to six hours of customized support from the Consultant. After six hours, individual hourly rates will be charged as needed.

  • If the Client purchases the Household Roles/Prioritization Survey, they will complete an extensive online survey. Once the Client has completed and submitted the survey, the Consultant will then analyze and develop a customized plan. The Consultant will have 2 business days (Monday through Friday only, and not including GA state or federal holidays) to respond (via email) with a written plan. After the plan has been emailed to the Client, the Client will review the plan thoroughly and within two weeks, the Client will email the Consultant with any necessary questions or clarifications and is allowed one round of edits to finalize the plan. The Client is responsible for implementing the plan themselves.

  • If the Client does not follow up with questions/revisions on the Survey results within two weeks, the Client fully understands and is in agreement that the option for updates has been forfeited. Clients may not utilize support that has been forfeited after their allotted two-week implementation and support period has expired.


  • We will not offer ANY refunds once a package has been purchased. ALL SALES ARE FINAL.

  • The Household Roles/Prioritization Survey must be submitted within two weeks (14 calendar days) of purchase.

  • Should the Client decide that they do not want or need any and/or all of their consultation hours or emails support, they forfeit the right to use these at a later date. A Client cannot save or carry over this support to a later date. (Example: if the Client schedules a 1-hour call but only use 45 minutes, the Client cannot carry over the 15 minutes remaining and will not receive a discount/refund for remaining time). We will not give refunds (neither full nor partial) for any and/or all unused support.

  • Email support exchanges are limited to three exchanges per day. An “exchange” is defined as the Client and the Consultant each sending one email responding to each other. Emails will be responded to within 3 business hours from 9am – 5pm, Monday – Friday, excluding holidays.

  • Text messaging or any other type of electronic messaging through social media is not included with any Hera Wellbeing service.

  • Any questions or concerns should be made over email to: mary@herawellbeing.com

  • Questions over any type of electronic messaging or through social media will NOT be answered.

  • The agreement will terminate as outlined above if these requirements are not met fully by the Client. The Consultant reserves the right to terminate the agreement if the Client breaches any of the terms of this agreement.

  • The Client will have the option to seek additional support from the Consultant if necessary, by purchasing 1 week of email support or additional On-Call Support.


3. Mental Health and Wellness. Prior to beginning work with the Consultant or at any point during services, should the Client or the Consultant feel that there may be any possible mental health concerns present, such as but not limited to: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), postpartum anxiety, postpartum depression, postpartum anger, or any stress related issues; they will agree to seek proper support and professional help.


4. Confidential Information. The Consultant agrees that any information received by the Consultant during any furtherance of the Consultant’s obligations in accordance with this contract, which concerns the personal, financial, or other affairs of the Client will be treated by the Consultant in full confidence and will not be revealed to any other persons, or organizations, without written consent from the Client, unless the Client or someone in their household is deemed to be in immediate harm. In a situation where someone may be in immediate harm, The Consultant is allowed to contact emergency services.


5. Security of ALL Documents and ALL written information provided to the Client by the Consultant. Any and ALL documents, information, plans, or suggestions provided to the Client by the Consultant are strictly confidential and may not be shared by anyone or to anyone other than the Client in which it was intended for by the Consultant. The Client agrees to keep all information for the Client’s personal use and shall not share the content of any plans with any outside parties with exception of the Client’s health care practitioner. If the Consultant learns that the plan has been shared, the Consultant reserves the right to terminate the contract with Client immediately and seek legal action.

6. Liabilities and Disclaimer. The information provided by the Consultant is not intended, nor is it implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The Client is advised to always seek the advice of the Client’s health care practitioner or other qualified health care provider with questions regarding medical or mental health conditions. The Consultant will use reasonable efforts to include up-to-date and accurate information in this consult, but makes no representations, warranties, or assurances as to the accuracy, currency, or completeness of the information provided.

The Client is reminded that Consultant is NOT a medical professional, and any advice does not substitute for medical advice. For any medical or mental health issues that arise, call a medical professional. For any medical emergencies, call 911.

The Consultant shall not be liable for any damages or injury resulting from the Client’s access to, or inability to access the information discussed, or from the Client’s reliance on any information provided by the Consultant.

The Consultant may provide references to other materials and resources, but the Consultant will have no responsibility for the content of such other references and shall not be liable for any damages or injury arising from that content. Any references provided by the Consultant are provided merely as a convenience to the Client.

7. Place Where Services shall be rendered. All consultation services from the Consultant will be provided virtually via Zoom or a similar platform. The Client may choose to be on or off camera during calls.


8. Payment to the Consultant. The Consultant will be paid the rate(s) outlined on the Hera Wellbeing website for the work that will be performed in accordance with this agreement. Payment will be collected in full prior to any work beginning. The Consultant’s rates are non-negotiable.


9. Refunds to the Client.


  • We will not give ANY refunds (neither full nor partial) for any and/or all unused support.

  • Should the Client decide that they do not want or need any and/or all of the consultation support/calls, they do so willingly and by their own choice.


10. Professionalism and Courtesy. Hera Wellbeing agrees to treat all Clients with respect and kindness. The Client agrees to maintain professionalism and respectfulness towards the Consultant in all their communications. This includes but is not limited to: no cursing or yelling at the Consultant, calling names, or disparaging their professional opinions and work.

11. Cancellations made by the Client. All cancellations MUST be made 48 hours in advance by the Client to the Consultant by email to mary@herawellbeing.com. If the consultation is scheduled for a Monday, the cut-off time to cancel is 3:00 p.m. on the previous Friday. Failure by the Client to make necessary measures to cancel their consultation will result in FULL TERMINATION of consultation services with NO REFUNDS.


12. Termination of Services/Contract by the Consultant: Hera has the right to terminate services under the following (but not limited to these) conditions: non-payment by the Client, the Client missing two or more scheduled meetings, the Client repeatedly (two or more times) being late to scheduled meetings, the Client using threatening behavior or language during any interactions (written, verbal, etc.). Right to Refuse Service is in Hera Wellbeing’s Sole Discretion.


13. Arbitration. Except for the Client sharing a plan as described in violation of number 5 above, all claims and disputes arising under or relating to this Contract are to be settled by binding arbitration with an arbitrator of Consultant’s choosing. The parties expressly agree to abide by any and all rules of arbitration in the state where the Consultant’s services are performed. In the event that a party fails to pay any award, the award may be converted to judgment in a court of competent jurisdiction in the state where the Consultant’s services are performed.


14. Indemnification. To the full extent allowed by law, the Client shall fully protect, defend, indemnify and hold Hera Wellbeing harmless against and from any and all claims, losses, damages, judgments, expenses or costs, including attorney’s fees and costs of investigation, incurred by it or to which it may become subject, resulting from breach of any term, representation, provision or condition of this Agreement.


 15. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior oral and written agreements between the Parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof. Neither this Agreement nor any provision hereof may be changed, waived, discharged or terminated orally, except by a statement in writing signed by the Party or Parties against whom enforcement or the change, waiver discharge or termination is sought.